Movie star Shane West 0 was injured in a helicopter crush early yesterday morning. The  accident happened near Seattle where West was filming a special effects scene for his new movie «so long ,pilot.» The  helicopter was flying low when it suddenly crashed to the ground. Luckily West and the pilot (throw) out before the helicopter started  to burn. They (rush) to a hospital in Seattle. It  (expect) that the star will have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. Experts are trying to find the cause of the crash. It was dark at the time, and the helicopter was flying «blind»  with the help of its avionics. It seems possible that the accident (cause) by a fault in the computer-controlled equipment. Some of the  experts think that it is possible that the helicopter (program) wrongly and  nothing (can do) .Paul Christiansen, one of the experts, thinks that the pilot (give)  the wrong flying instructions from the early and (oblige)  to obey them or maybe the engine (not check) . In hospital Mr West (make) to tell the reporters everything he remembered about the  crash. слова в скобках нужно поставить в правильную форму Passive Voice


Ответ дал: TJ95

were thrown, were rushed, is expected, was caused, was programmed, could be done, was given, was obliged, wasn't checked, was made

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