5 Fill in: teams, event, takes, spot, part, tournament. Friday 10th June Hi Paul Greetings from Kazakhstan! It's really wonderful here. Yesterday, I went to Astana Arena to watch the President Cup. It 1) ............. .......... place every year in June. It's a special football 2) .....for teenagers under 17 years old. 3) from different countries take 4) Te's a great sporting 5) .............. if you want to 6) the future football stars. I took lots of photos! See you soon. Alex​


Ответ дал: tanyaforsaj


Friday 10th June

Hi Paul Greetings from Kazakhstan! It's really wonderful here. Yesterday, I went to Astana Arena to watch the President Cup. It 1) event  place every year in June. It's a special football 2) takes for teenagers under 17 years old. 3) tournament from different countries take 4)teams It's a great sporting 5)part if you want to 6)spot the future football stars. I took lots of photos! See you soon. Alex​


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