Откройте скобки, используя Future Simple или be going to to. Choose between Future Simple and between going to. Переведите на русский язык письменно.
1.She is sure he... (Not/manage) to catch the train
2. Next year we... (Travel) together
3.The athletes soon.. (Return) from the competition
4.his parents think Jim.... (Become) a doctor one day
5.They have bought new sports shoes. They.. (Start) running next week


Ответ дал: smakovaradmila60


  • looking forward for your response to our last meeting on Friday night at our house on our new house in New Jersey to the house and then I love you so very soon I hope that I will get a better feeling about you than you are in my heart for the past year or two and you have never seen a new place
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