Помогите пожалуйста!
1)Complete the zero conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs below.

do go have sleep spend wake

1 If she feels tired, she _______________ her homework.
2 If the children have got money, they _______________ it on computer games.
3 If I _______________ my brother up in the morning, he doesn’t get to school on time.
4 If Sarah _______________ for a walk every day, she feels terrible.
5 If I _______________ time, I play tennis after work.
6 He feels tired in the morning if he _______________ for eight hours at night.

2)Choose the correct words.
1 She feels terrible. She could / might not go to school tomorrow.
2 I’m quite tired. I'll might / probably go to bed early tonight.
3 Don’t touch that snake! It could / definitely be dangerous!
4 I’m not sure what I’ll do in the holidays. I probably / may travel around Europe.
5 We’re might / probably going to go to the cinema on Friday. Would you like to come?
6 Their new album is great! I’m definitely / could going to buy it!

3)Choose the correct words.

1 Vinnie posted / logged a message on my Facebook page. He passed his driving test!
2 Jenny is always online. She updates / creates her blog every day.
3 MSN is so annoying! I’ve just deactivated / created my profile.
4 Can you help me upload / update this video onto Myspace?
5 You need to enter your password so you can log on / post to your email account.
6 I’ve created / deactivated an album so that you can see my holiday photos.


Ответ дал: coollhihi1
1.doesn’t do
2. spend
3. don’t wake
4. doesn’t go
5. have
6. doesn’t sleep

1. might not go to school tomorrow.
2. probably go to bed early tonight.
3. could be dangerous.
4. I may travel around Europe.
5. probably
6. definitely going to buy it.

1. posted
2. updates
3. deactivated
4. upload
5. log on to
6. I’ve created
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