Помогите пожалуйста с 1 2 и 4 номерами или хоть с одним из них пожалуйста



Ответ дал: Skyline1526


Задание 1.

Is there any dairy store near your house?

Yes. I love dairy products, they are very healthy.

Задание 2.

- Present Indefinite/Повествовательная/Отрицательная формы

We prepare a special dish for dinner/We don't prepare a special dish for dinner.

- Past Indefinite/Повествовательная/Отрицательная формы      

We prepared a special dish for dinner/We didn't prepare a special dish for dinner.

- Future Indefinite/Повествовательная/Отрицательная формы    

We will prepare a special dish for dinner/We will not prepare a special dish for dinner.

Задание 3.

Tall-taller-the tallest

Fashionable-more fashionable-the most fashionable

Old-older/elder, oldest/eldest

Big-bigger-the biggest

Delicious-more delicious-most delicious

Задание 4.

- You must not/should not bathe in such bad weather, you may catch a cold. - Can you speak louder I don't hear you. - We have to go back. It may be rain soon. - You shouldn't be nervous. I have my umbrella with me.

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