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1. I ___________(drive) to work if I___________ (have) a car.

2. If I ___________ (lose) my job, I ___________ (go) back to university.

3. Where you ___________ (live) if you ___________ (can) choose?

4. My mother ___________ (worry) about me if I ___________ (not phone) her every week.

5. I don't know what she ___________ (do) if she ___________ (cannot) go on working.

6. What you ___________ (do) if he ___________ (ask) you to marry him?

7. If I ___________ (know) the answer to that question, I ___________ (tell) you.

8. If she ___________ (speak) more clearly, I ___________ (understand) her.

9. If you ___________ (win) a lot of money, what you ___________ (do) with it?

10. If the club ___________ (close) where we ___________ (go)?

lera8364: нет условий к заданию? просто некоторые предложения можно в разный тип Conditional поставить


Ответ дал: lera8364


1. I would drive to work if I had a car.

2. If I lose my job, I will go back to university.

3. Where would you live if you could choose?

4. My mother will worry about me if I don't phone her every week.

5. I don't know what she would do if she couldn't go on working.

6. What will you do if he asks you to marry him?

7. If I knew the answer to that question, I would tell you.

8. If she spoke more clearly, I would understand her.

9. If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it?

10. If the club closes where will we go?


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