СРОЧНО!даю 70 баллов​



Ответ дал: Dreamreine
1. Annie won't be here at ten. When will she be here?
2. I won't have time for lunch. Will I have time for sandwich?
3. You won't find a pen in there. Where will you find one?
4. The children won't go to school in Ely. Where they will go.
5. Dylan won't get much money if he sells that car. How much will he get.
6. Your car won't be ready today. When will it be ready?
7. I won't know the exam result today. When will I know it?

chelombitkoprofi: спасибо большое!
chelombitkoprofi: нашёл ошибку,в 5и6 в конце 2-ого предложения точка а не вопрос
Dreamreine: Прошу прощения, я отвечал так, как видел на картинке.
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