But for the Internet, I would not have got a new job. - Якби не Інтернет, я б не знайшов нову роботу. Потренуємося на завданнях.

Змініть пропозиції так, як ми робили вище:

1. If my friend had not given us advice, we would not have found a new flat in this city. 2. If our grandpa did not have glasses, he would not be able to read newspapers. 3. If my parents had not paid for my education, I would not be able to study at the university. 4. If Mike had not been a talented actor, he would never have become a film star. 5. If Kelly were not so stubborn, I would not feel so worried about her.​


Ответ дал: 0riseqwe0


1. But for my friend, we wouldn't have found a new flat in this city.

2. But for glasses, my grandpa would not be able to read newspapers.

3. But for my parents, I wouldn't be able to study at the university.

4. But for talent, he would never have become a film star.

5. But for her stubborn, I would not feel so worried about Kelly.

BTS7756: 1. He wants to go fishing but he has a bad cold. But for a bad cold he would go fishing. 2. He could not see the play as he had some work to do. But for some work he would have not see 3. She was not alone in the house. Her husband lay asleep in his room after the night shift. 4. I don’t want to tell you this. But I promised to. But for my promise, I would not tell you this 5. In the end he went to see the doctor. His wife made him to. 6. He didn’t die. The operation saved him......
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