DONTOparre Becs MTH MOду 9 -Bore BBCAMERBO TECT TEST 2. Choose the correct answer . 1 ) We've got two ... of sardines and some bread . a ) jars b ) cartons c ) tins 2 ) He sipped on the ... of water . a ) bottle b ) can c ) packet 3 ) Rachel took me ... to lunch . a ) out b ) away c ) off 4 ) Is that to cat in or take ... ? a ) back b ) away c ) off 5 ) The shirts come in three ... : small , medium , and large . a ) types b ) shapes c ) sizes 6 ) It's no use crying over spilt .... a ) ica b ) milk c ) coffee 7 ) Jill's new hairstyle doesn't really her . b ) fit c ) match her skirt and jacket 8 ) She is wearing black high - heeled shoes that ) b ) fit c ) match


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1 ) We've got two ... of sardines and some bread .

c ) tins

Tin-консервная банка

2 ) He sipped on the ... of water .

a ) bottle


3 ) Rachel took me ... to lunch .

a ) out

Take out - выводить

4 ) Is that to eat in or take ... ?

b ) away

Take away - забрать

5 ) The shirts come in three ... : small , medium , and large .

c ) sizes

Size -размер

6 ) It's no use crying over spilt ....

b ) milk

Пословица/Идиома - Нет пользы сожалеть о том, чего не вернуть; Что упало, то пропало.

7 ) Jill's new hairstyle doesn't really ... her.

a) suit

Suit - подходить (быть к лицу)

8 ) She is wearing black high - heeled shoes that ... her skirt and jacket.

c ) match

Match - подходить (по цвету)


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