вставьте, пожалуйста

1. I __ him at school tomorrow

A) will saw. B) sees. C) will see.

2. Ann often ___ her mother obout the house

A) Have help. B) helps. C) have helped

3. The children ___ at home next Sunday.

А) stay. C) will stay
В) stayed

4) We ___ mushrooms in summer.

А) to gather. C) gather.
В) gathered

5.) The children are in the forest now. They ___ mushrooms.

А) were gathering C) are gathering
В) will be gathering

6. The man ____ a magazine at this moment.

А) were reading. C) read.
В) is reading

7. They ___ the new school by the first of September next year.

А) had built. C) will have build.
В) will have built


Ответ дал: shahzodtuy2022
1. C

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. B
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