Complete the sentences using the Passive Voice.

1. The cinema ... (close), because it ... (repaint) at the moment.

2. The tickets ... (deliver) by courier tomorrow.

3. He ... (award) the Oscar for the leading role last year.

4. Max ... (just / injure) in a car accident.

5. A new cinema complex ... (open) next month.

6. This poem ... (write) by A.S.Pushkin.

7. The book ... (return) to the library yesterday.

8. My car ... (not / repair) yet.

9. Dogs must ... (keep) on a load.

10. The museum ... (visit) by a million of people so far.


Ответ дал: Лусушка


1. The cinema is closed, because it is being repainted at the moment.

2. The tickets will be delivered by courier tomorrow.

3. He was awarded the Oscar for the leading role last year.

4. Max has just been injured in a car accident.

5. A new cinema complex will be opened next month.

6. This poem was written by A.S.Pushkin.

7. The book was returned to the library yesterday.

8. My car hasn’t been repaired yet.

9. Dogs must be kept on a load.1

0. The museum has been visited by a million of people so far.


формула для пассивного залога - be + v3. В зависимости от грамматического времени нам необходимо спрягать глагол be.
present simple: am/is/are + v3

Present continuous: am/is/are being +3

Past Simple: was/were +v3

Past continuous: was/were being + v3

Present perfect: have/has been + v3

Future simple: will be + v3

С модальным глаголами просто оставляем форму be + v3: (must be +v3, can be +v3), should be + v3)

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