Поставьте глаголы в скобках в PresentPerfect.
What organisations (…) he (…) (work) for? How many flowers (…) we (…) (sell)? (…) you (…) (ever/ break) an arm? (…) the post (…) (arrive)? (…) Ms Smith (…) (work) here longer than you? (…) your daughter (…) (ever/sleep) in a tent? Where (…) you (…) (be)? How long (…) they (…) (have) their house? How many books (…) Michael (…) (write)? Whatcities (…) you (…) (be) to?​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

What organisations has he worked for? How many flowers have we sold? Have you ever broken  an arm? Has the post arrived? Has Ms Smith worked here longer than you? Has your daughter ever slept in a tent? Where have you been? How long have they had their house? How many books has Michael written? What cities have you been to?​

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