II. Fill in the correct pronouns. 1. I can not do this work... (I) 2. The books are ... .(we) 3. Give the pens to ... (we). 4. This is ... new dog, Lulu. (we) 5. Mark is ... cousin. (they) 6. Is this ... coat? (you) 7. These are Mary's books. They are .... (she) 8. The calculator is ... .(you) помогите пж, сиду на кр по английскому ​


Ответ дал: lera8364


1. I can not do this work myself.
2. The books are ours.
3. Give the pens to us.
4. This is our new dog, Lulu.
5. Mark is their cousin.
6. Is this your coat?
7. These are Mary's books. They are hers.
8. The calculator is yours.


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