Complete the following with question words. Use the words:

What, How many, When,Where.

1._______ is the name of your classmate?

2._______ old is he/she?

3._______ does he/she live?

4._______ did he/she come to school today?

5._______ languages can he/she speak?

Speech topic: My Mothetland


Ответ дал: laisenmia


1. What is the name of your classmate?

2. How old is he/she?

3. Where does he/she live?

4. When did he/she come to school today?

5. How many languages can he/she speak?

Andryuxaa: А почему When, если в конце предложения уже написано Today? Тогда было бы WHAT TIME did she come to school today.
Спорное, конечно, предложение. Я написал How - как она приехала, на чём.
fgghjprivet7kakajan: Согласен
Ответ дал: Andryuxaa
1. What is the name of your classmate?
2. How old is she?
3. Where does she live?
4. How did she come to school today?
5. How many languages can she speak?

fgghjprivet7kakajan: А можете последнее?
fgghjprivet7kakajan: Там Speech topic
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