Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Write full sentences.

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple или Present Continuous. Запишите получившиеся предложения целиком.

Dad usually (to go) to work by car.
Look! The children (to play) in the garden.
____ he (to do) his homework every day?
____ you (to watch) a film at the moment?
We always (to read) a book after school.
My mother (to like / not) cakes and chocolate.
I (to swim / not) in the pool right now.
Our dog (to be) very kind and funny.


Ответ дал: coileee


Dad usually goes to work by car.

Look! The children are playing in the garden.

Does he do his homework every day?

Are you watching a film at the moment?

We always read a book after school.

My mother does not like cakes and chocolate.

I am not swimming in the pool right now.

Our dog is very kind and funny.


sergooogame: это ты хитро придумал, а я сразу и не понял, молодец коилие!!!!!!!!
Tosterik: Хорош
zhabina11111: лохи
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