26 I promise _____ your secret to anyone. A) not telling B) not to tell C) to not tell D) not to telling 27. I started _____________ this book last week. A) to read B) read C) reading D) to reading 28. I always forget _____________ the flowers in the house. A) to water B) watering C) water D) to watering 29. He hates _____________ up early. A) wake B) to wake C) waking D) to waking 30. Please, stop _____________ that noise! A) to making B) to make C) make D) making 31. He goes to evening classes _____________ Italian. A) learning B) learn C) to learn D) to learning 32. Are you good at _____________ or _____________? A) to paint, to draw B) paint, draw C) to painting, to drawing D) painting, drawing 33. It’s important _____________ on time for classes. A) being B) to be C) be D) to being 34. It was very nice _____________ you. A) meeting B) meet C) to meet D) to meeting 35. They spend hours _____________ on the phone. A) to talk B) talking C) to talking D) talk 36. Would you like _____________ to a party tonight? A) go B) to go C) going D) had gone 37. I enjoy _____________ a bicycle by the seaside. A) riding B) to ride C) ride D) has riden 38. She came here _____________ you. A) to meet B) meet C) meeting D) to meeting 39. _____________ a bath before _____________ to bed is very relaxing. A) taking, to go B) taking, going C) to take, going D) to taking, to going 40. Don’t leave without _____________ goodbye. A) saying B) to say C) say D) had said.


Ответ дал: eahmedova78


26: B

27: C

28: C

29: A

30: C

31: C

32: D

33: B

34: C

35: B

36: B

37: A

38: A

39: A

40: A

Аноним: Match the words to make phrases.
1. Outstanding 2. To create 3. To paint 4. Heroic 5. The greatest 6. Well - known 7. Landscape 8. Native 9. To contain 10. To be based on
a) a gallery b) portraitist c) characters d) painting e) representatives f) painter g) masters h) countryside i) observation j) much poetry
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