** Imagine you are on holiday in a beautiful place in your country and you want to send your friend a text message. Write your message. Write: where you are, what it's like, what you did yesterday, what you are doing today.


hasym2010: Если что меня Шамиль зовут


Ответ дал: Ficsick002
Dear, Ben
I glad to see e-mail from you. Now I situated in St Petersburg on the holiday with my family. This city is very beautiful. There are a lot of beautiful places, good people and picturesque buildings. Yesterday we arrived there and I was surprised. There were a lot of musicants and bright people with interesting clothes. It was fantastic! Today we are going to visit "Armitage", because it is the most famous place in St Petersburg. Now I must do my homework. Write me soon!
(Твоё имя)

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