14 Choose the correct item.
1 In China, New Year celebrations last …… 15 days. A for B at C over 2 Oranges and mandarins are symbols …… luck and wealth. A about B for C of
3 Tina served the chicken …… potatoes. A in B with C on
4 Most cheeses are rich …… calcium. A with B of C in
5 Today’s dessert consists …… fresh strawberries, cream and walnuts. A of B in C with
6 Ruth can’t decide …… a menu for the dinner party. A for B on C about 7 Is Ron going to participate …… the local food festival? A in B for C at 8 Lisa wiped her mouth …… a napkin. A in B at C with
9 Sam competed …… the race and won. A at B in C for
10 During Tontitown Grape Festival people stomp …… grapes to make juice. A on B in C at


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1 С

5 А



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