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add boil cut mix pour put remove serve slice salad

1) ……………………. the eggs for 10 minutes.
2) ……………………. up the lettuce leaves and put them into a salad bowl.
Cut the cheese and the ham into small pieces and add them to the bowl.
3) ……………………….. the cucumber and cut the tomato into pieces, then add them to the bowl.
4) ……………………….. the shell from the eggs, slice them and put them on top of the
5) ............................ .

For the dressing
6) ……………………….. the mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, olive oil and vinegar into a small bowl an7) ..............................
them well.
8) ……………………. salt and pepper.
Finally, 9) ……………………. the dressing over the salad.
10) ………………………… with fresh bread.


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