Вставить в пробелы однокоренные СЛОВА, ОБРАЗОВАННЫЕ ОТ ДАННЫХ ЗНАТЬ ПЕРЕВОД 1. We were impressed by her smile (charm) 2. We were scenery! (picture) 4. What an story! (amuse) 5. He has got a strange His ears are too big (appear) 6. What is your favorite program on TV? (educate) 7. She couldn't forget his eyes (impress) 8. Do you want to become an ? (interpret) 9. Ancient libraries were used only by (science) 10. Are you proud of your of fantasy books? (collect) 11. She is always and active (cheer) 12. Mrs. Marple is a (library) 13. This holiday is to soldiers who defended their motherland (devote) 14. They struggled for many years (independent) 15. What is the Russian menu on this day? (tradition) 16. He is proud of his to the family. (devote) 17. I'll help you with great (please) - Thank you! You are always (help)! 18. It's to go there. The shops are closed. (use) 19. What is the between the brothers? (different 20. Nobody can live in (isolate​



Ответ дал: krstnlv
1. charming (очаровательный)
2. picturesque (живописный)
4. amusing (занимательный)
5. appearance (внешний вид)
6. educational (образовательный)
7. impressing (впечатляющий)
8. interpreter (устный переводчик)
9. scientists (ученые)
10. collection (коллекция)
11. cheerful (жизнерадостный)
12. librarian (библиотекарь)
13. dedicated (посвящён)
14. independence (независимость)
15. traditional (традиционный)
16. devoted (преданный)
17. pleasure (удовольствие); helpful (полезный)
18. useless (бесполезно)
19. difference (различие)
20. isolation (изоляция)
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