помогите пожалуйста!!!



Ответ дал: sc6ly


1. Were Picasso a Spanish painter?

Yes, he was.

2. Were you late for school yesterday?

No, I wasn't.

3. Was he in the ZOO last month?

No, he wasn't.

4. Were your parents in Paris last month?

No, the weren't.

5. Was Mozart a composer?

Yes, he was.

6. Were they in the park?

No, they weren't.

7. Were the Wright brothers inventors?

Yes, they were.

8. Was she angry?

No, she wasn't.

9. Was he a footballer?

Yes, he was.

10. Was the film interesting?

No, it wasn't.

sc6ly: Извиняюсь, в первом не were, а was!
tkacd9579: спасибо большое
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