Need help...

Turn the following questions from direct into reported speech

1."What time is the wedding?" Helen asked......

2. "Where did they make the film?" Tony asked me.....

3. "Can I try it on?" She asked if...

4. "When will I see you again?" Alex asked Angela....

5. (When did he leave for Paris?) Do you know.........

6. "Who is this man?" The old lady asked her husband ......

7. "Can I pay by credit card?" She asks whether/if ............

8. "Do you have this in a smaller size?" She asked whether they .........

The old lady asked her husband

Complete the indirect question

1. (Where is Claire from?) Could you tell me.....

2. (Who are these people?) Have you any idea............


Ответ дал: rammie12349


1. Helen asked what time the wedding was

2. Tony asked me where they had made the film

3. She asked if she could try it on

4. Alex asked Angela when would he see her again

5. Do you know when he had left for Paris

6. The old lady asked her husband who was that man

7. She asks whether she could pay by credit card

8. She asked whether they had that in a smaller size


1. Could you tell me where Claire is from?

2. Have you any idea who these people are?

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