your 5 Make comparisons with partner, as in the example. London/Sao Paulo/Tokyo (crowded) A: London is very crowded. 1 B: Yes, but Sao Paulo is much more crowded than London. A: Tokyo is the most crowded of all. 2 Kazakhstan/Greenland/Antarctica (cold) 3 cars/trains/planes (fast) 4 The Yangtze River/The River Amazon/The River Nile (long)​



Ответ дал: Hayt7


2. It is very cold in Kazakhstan.

Yes, but Greenland is colder than Kazakhstan.

Antarctica is the coldest of all.

3. Cars are fast transport.

Yes, but trains are faster than cars.

The plane is the fastest.

4. The Yangtze River is long.

Yes, but the Nile River is longer than the Yangtze River.

The Amazon River is the longest river.

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znaniya1095: ответ?
violettakubzhanova: нет
Hayt7: Да
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