ТЕРМІНОВО!!! 50балів​



Ответ дал: bighugemister


  1. The room is cleaned by the maid.
  2. Houses are decorated for the wedding party.
  3. Plants are planted by my brother.
  4. Cake is baked by my mother.
  5. The tests are taken by the students.
  6. The bill is paid by my friend.


  1. A birthday party is organised by them.
  2. Football is played by all age people.
  3. The thief is followed by the police.
  4. All types of books are printed by them.
  5. Computers are repaired by Salim.
  6. A beauty parlor shop is run by her in our area.
Ответ дал: zheniakalinovsky64
1 The room is cleaned by the maid.
2 Houses are decorated for the wedding party.
3 Plants are planted by my brother.
4 Cake is baked by my mother.
5 The tests are taken by the students.
6 The bill is paid by my friend.

1 A birthday party is organised by them.
2 Football is played by all age people.
3 The thief is followed by the police.
4 All types of books are printed by them.
5 Computers are repaired by Salim.
6 A beauty parlor shop is run by her in our area.
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