1. 1 chocolates. (eat) 2. My friends me. (call) 3. It outside. (rain) 4. Meena and Rita to school. (go) 5. The children noise. (make) 6. Ouch, you on my toe! (step) 7. Look! They this way. (come) 8. The farmer in the field. (work) 9. My little brother 10. The teacher . (cry) (stand) and the students (sit)​


Ответ дал: zheniakalinovsky64
1.I am eating chocolate.
2.My friends are calling me
3.It is raining outside
4.Meena and Rita are going to school
5.The children are making noise
6.Ouch,you are stepping on my toe
7.Look! They are coming this way
8. The farmer is working in the field
9.My little brother is crying
10. The teacher is standing and the students are sitting
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