15 sentences by using be going to
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Ответ дал: den4ik2277


I am going to visit my parents next week.

She was going to be here.

Matt is going to help me with my work.

They were going to travel but they couldn’t.

I’m not going to do this!

They are not going to play tennis today.

Ann and Sam are going to buy this car.

Peter wasn’t going to meet Ann tonight.

We were not going to buy this TV set but it was on sale.

Is she really going to say that?

Are you going to eat this piece of cake?

Was he going to rob you?

Were they going to visit Paris this week?

What are you going to do now?


imrankurmanbek: я не знаю как давать баллы
den4ik2277: аут
Ответ дал: yutina

1. I'm going to write a poem about my experience in the mountains.

2. Are you going to buy that watch?

3. She's going to be the coolest girl at the party!

4. It's going to rain soon, so don't forget to take your umbrella.

5. I'm not going to tell him anything about that situation.

6. Are you really going to sell such an amazing thing?

7. Sorry, I'm going to help my parents, so I won't be able to join you.

8. Is she going to play with that little girl?

9. I'm going to visit my grandma, she's so lonely.

10. He's going to buy her a bunch of flowers.

11. Are they going to leave or not?

12. You aren't going to do anything bad, are you?

13. I'm not going to go to the shop.

14. Are you going to write him a letter?

15. She's not going to be the first to apologize.

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