Message Edit Search Utilities Spell Checker Privacy View Options 0,000 g From Danylo To Kid's World Subject Native town Hello, my name is Danylo. I'd like to tell you about my native town Nizhyn. It is in Chernihiv region. It stands on the Oster river. Nizhyn is 855 years old. 81,000 people live here. Nizhyn was a famous centre of culture and arts. Poets Taras Shevchenko, Oleksandr Pushkin and many other well-known people visited Nizhyn. Writer Mykola Hohol studied in Nizhyn. There are many monuments, churches and museums in my town. There is the Art Gallery and Drama Theatre in Nizhyn. We are proud of our town. Come and see true historical places! > Nizhyn university​


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