Correct the sentences that have mistakes in them. One sentence has no mistakes. Which one? 1 Britney might has heard about the competition from Sarah last week. 2 Look out! You should have killed someone playing like that! 3 Oh, he's missed! He really must have scored fros that position! 4 Thinking about it now, we should play better in last week's match. 5 But Lauren is hopeless! She can't have beaten Oscar at tennis! Помогите пожалуйста​


Ответ дал: coileee


1 Britney might have heard about the competition from Sarah last week.

2 Look out! You might have killed someone playing like that!

3 Oh, he's missed! He really must have scored from that position! - correct.

4 Thinking about it now, we should have played better in last week's match.

5 But Lauren is hopeless! She couldn't have beaten Oscar at tennis!

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