We all know that eating too much junk food is bad for our health, but
did you know that eating some kinds of health foods could be just as bad for you?

Michel Simon, who (1)…. the Centre for Informed Food Choices in

the USA, says there are sugary sports drinks that are as unhealthy as cola.

“These drinks may be (2) …. for marathon runners, but for kids doing

ordinary exercise, they may end up doing more (3) … than good.”

Breakfast cereals, which of course are very (4) …. with kids, have also

been criticised. Whilst they are often high in fi bre, some of them (5) ….

a lot more sugar and salt than you would expect. In addition, some of the

foods we have (6) … to know as ‘health snacks’ have also been added to

the black (7) …Although they look and sound nutritious, in most (8) …

they are much tastier than they are healthy for you. For example, some

types of dried fruit were (9) …. to have more fat and sugar than the fruit

they were (10) …. from.

1 A arranged B invented C constructed D founded

2 A precious B worthy C Benefi cial D valua Ble

3 A loss B injury C harm D damage

4 A common B known C popular D famous

5 A involve B contain C consist D include

6 A come B started C Brought D arrived

7 A guide B account C column D list

8 A cases B purposes C occasions D situations

9 A searched B found C discovered D realised

10 A produced B created C formed D developed


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1 D

2 C

3 C

4 C

5 B

6 B

7 D

8 A

9 B

10 A

We all know that eating too much junk food is bad for our health, but did you know that eating some kinds of health foods could be just as bad for you?

Michel Simon, who (1) D founded the Centre for Informed Food Choices in the USA, says there are sugary sports drinks that are as unhealthy as cola.

“These drinks may be (2) C beneficial for marathon runners, but for kids doing ordinary exercise, they may end up doing more (3) C harm than good.”

Breakfast cereals, which of course are very (4) C popular with kids, have also been criticised. Whilst they are often high in fibre, some of them (5) B contain a lot more sugar and salt than you would expect. In addition, some of the foods we have (6) B started to know as ‘health snacks’ have also been added to the black (7) D list. Although they look and sound nutritious, in most (8) A cases they are much tastier than they are healthy for you. For example, some types of dried fruit were (9) B found to have more fat and sugar than the fruit they were (10) A produced from.


Все мы знаем, что употребление слишком большого количества нездоровой пищи вредно для нашего здоровья, но знаете ли вы, что употребление некоторых видов здоровой пищи может быть столь же вредным для вас?

Мишель Саймон, основатель Центра информированного выбора продуктов питания в США, говорит, что есть сладкие спортивные напитки, которые так же вредны для здоровья, как кола.

«Эти напитки могут быть полезны для марафонцев, но для детей, выполняющих обычные упражнения, они могут принести больше вреда, чем пользы».

Сухие завтраки, которые, конечно, очень нравятся (дословно "популярны среди") детям, также подверглись критике.  Хотя они часто богаты клетчаткой, некоторые из них содержат гораздо больше сахара и соли, чем можно было бы ожидать.  Кроме того, некоторые из продуктов, которые мы начали называть «здоровыми закусками», также были добавлены в черный список.  Хотя они выглядят и звучат питательно, в большинстве случаев они намного вкуснее, чем полезны для вас.  Например, было обнаружено, что некоторые виды сухофруктов содержат больше жира и сахара, чем фрукты, из которых они были произведены.#SPJ1

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