Give Turkmen equivalents of the following expressions and phrases.
a) to date back to/from -
b) to pay great attention to something -
c) to be delivered to -
d) to pay an important role in something -
e) to be destroyed by -


Ответ дал: INessaStarovoit


a) to date back to/from – senesi bir ýyl / peýda boldy has köp içinde...

b) to pay great attention to something –

köp üns beriň...

c) to be delivered to – gowşuryldy...

d) to pay an important role in something – möhümligini kesgitläň...

e) to be destroyed by – kimdir biri tarapyndan ýok edildi...


a) to date back to/from – to exist for a certain period of time or from a certain time; b) to pay great attention to something – to look at something carefully; c) to be delivered to – to be brought to some destination; d) to pay an important role in something – to attach great importance to it; e) to be destroyed by – to be ruined with the participation of something/someone.

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