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Change these to indirect speech (reported some time later).
Измените их на косвенную речь (сообщается некоторое время спустя).

1 I’ll be back tomorrow. (He said)
2 I don’t like this music. ( She said)
3 Where is the bus station? ( She asked me)
4 Have you finished? ( I asked him)
5 Do you want tea or coffee? ( He asked her)
6 I’ll clean the flat. ( She offered )
7 When is the car going to be ready? ( I asked)
8 What am I doing here? ( I wondered)
9 The earth is not flat. ( He proved)
10 What does the boss want? ( I asked)
11 Did Mary phone back? ( I wondered)
12 You ought to see the doctor. ( He advised me )
13 Would you like a drink? ( She asked me)
14 Her cat understands everything she says. (She thought)
15 Nobody loves me. ( I felt)


Ответ дал: wiico


1.he said that he'll be back tomorrow

2. she said that she don't like the music

3. she asked where is the bus station

4. i asked him have he finished

5. he asked her if she wanted tea or coffee

6. she offered to clean the flat herself

7. I asked when the car will be ready

8. I wondered what I'm doing here

9. he proved that the earth is not flat

10. I asked what the boss wants

11. I wondered, did Mary call back

12. he advised me to see a doctor

13. she asked me what i would like to drink

14. she thought her cat understood everything she said

15. I felt that nobody loves me

надеюсь верно

ivanovaolga38567: спасибо большое!
dsbukina1409: пожалуйста
Ответ дал: flower20101306


1.he said that he'll be back tomorrow

2. she said that she don't like the music

3. she asked where is the bus station

4. i asked him have he finished

5. he asked her if she wanted tea or coffee

6. she offered to clean the flat herself

7. I asked when the car will be ready

8. I wondered what I'm doing here

9. he proved that the earth is not flat

10. I asked what the boss wants

11. I wondered, did Mary call back

12. he advised me to see a doctor

13. she asked me what i would like to drink toughther cat understood everything she said

15. I felt that nobody loves me



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