Помогите дам 20 баллов

Вопрос 1:: I usually _________ at seven o’clock.

A. lives

B. grows

C. gets up

D. get up

E. gots up

:: Вопрос 2:: Tod _______________ TV at the moment.

A. watch

B. is watching

C. was watch

D. watched

E. watching

:: Вопрос 3:: You ____________coffee late at night.

A. should drunk

B. shouldn`t to drink

C. shouldn`t drink

D. don`t should drink

E. should drank

::Вопрос 4:: - My bag is so heavy.

- Give it to me. ____ it for you.

A. I carry

B. I will carry

C. I am going to carry

D. I carried

E. I do carry

:: Вопрос 5:: He _______________ (look for) a job next month.

A. looked for

B. has going to look for

C. are going to look for

D. is going to look for

E. had looked

::Вопрос 6::You can tell me your secret. I ____ anyone.

A. am not going tell

B. won’t tell

C. don’t tell

D. didn’t tell

E. doesn’t tell

:: Вопрос 7:: She _______________ (not go) out last night; she went home after work.

A. isn`t going

B. isn`t go

C. don`t go

D. doesn`t go

E. didn`t go

:: Вопрос 8:: _______ any of his films?.

A. Have you ever seen

B. Have you ever saw

C. Did you ever seen

D. Did you saw

E. Does you seen

:: Вопрос 9:: When we arrived, they __________ already ___________ (leave) – the house was empty.

A. has, left

B. has, leave

C. does, leave

D. have, left

E. are, leave

:: Вопрос 10:: They _______________ to the teacher at the moment.

A. listening

B. not listening

C. aren`t listen

D. isn`t listening

E. aren`t listening

:: Вопрос 11:: _______________ you ever _______________ (see) a giraffe?

A. Has, seen

B. Have, saw

C. Have, seen

D. Has, saw

E. Have, see

:: Вопрос 12:: She _______________ (meet) her new boss last week.

A. is meet

B. have met

C. meet

D. met

E. is meeting

:: Вопрос 13:: Happy anniversary! How long _______________ you _______________ (be) married?

A. has, been

B. have, be

C. have, been

D. had, be

E. have, are

:: Вопрос 14:: I don’t think it _______________ (snow) this week. It’s too warm.

A. will snow

B. was snow

C. is snowing

D. snowed

E. snow

:: Вопрос 15:: He _______________ lunch when we arrived, so we offered to help.

A. is cook

B. cooks

C. cooking

D. was cooking

E. cook

:: Вопрос 16:: We _______________ this film before.

A. have seen

B. seen

C. see

D. is see

E. are see

:: Вопрос 17:: I was born ________ 27th December.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. up

E. with

:: Вопрос 18:: My mum’s sisters are my ______.

A. aunts

B. cousins

C. uncles

D. nieces

E. uncle

::Вопрос 19::She enjoys _____ the news on television.

A. to watching

B. to watch

C. watching

D. watch

E. watches

:: Вопрос 20:: We __________ a really good time at the festival.

A. go

B. had

C. did

D. hit

E. taught


Ответ дал: lera8364


1. D)  I usually get up at seven o’clock.

2. B) Tod is watching TV at the moment.

3. C)  You shouldn`t drink coffee late at night.

4. B)  - My bag is so heavy.

- Give it to me. I will carry it for you.

5. D)  He is going to look for a job next month.

6. B)  You can tell me your secret. I won’t tell anyone.

7. E) She didn`t go out last night; she went home after work.

8. A) Have you ever seen any of his films?.

9. When we arrived, they had already left – the house was empty.

(или опечатка в задании, или нет правильного ответа, здесь должен быть Past Perfect)

10. E) They aren`t listening to the teacher at the moment.

11. C)  Have you ever seen a giraffe?

12. D)  She met her new boss last week.

13. C) Happy anniversary! How long have you been married?

14. A)   I don’t think it will snow this week. It’s too warm.

15. D) He was cooking lunch when we arrived, so we offered to help.

16. A) We have seen this film before.

17. C) I was born on 27th December.

18. A) My mum’s sisters are my aunts.

19. C) She enjoys watching the news on television.

20. B)  We had a really good time at the festival.


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