He said he ……………. me the next day.
a) will help b) would help c) help
Our friends said they……… the theatre next night.
a) would go to b) will go c) will go to
I asked her ……. to see us the next day.

a) if she comes b) if she will come c) if she would come
She said ………… good at languages.”

a) she was b) she is с) she is being
My uncle said …... a new cow next week
a) she will buy b) we would buy c) she would buy
If you …… your passport, it ……take ages to get another one.
a) lost/ would b) lose/ would c) lost/will
If I ……. enough money, we……… to London on holidays.
a) don’t have/ wouldn’t go b) didn’t have/ wouldn’t go c) didn’t have/ won’t go
If I ……… you, I ….. want to become an actor.
a) were/will b) am/ would c) were / would
If I ……. younger, I ……. travel across the world.
a) were/would b) was/ would c) is/would
If I ……. a president, I ……. gather the best economists to build a plan of Ukraine’s development.
a) was/ will b) were/ would c) were/will


Ответ дал: Hecos
1. Will help
2. Will go to
3. If she comes
4. She is
4. She will buy
5. Lost/will
6. Didn’t have/wouldn’t go
7. Were/would
8. Were/would
9. Were/would
Ответ дал: lera8364


1.  b) would help
He said he would help me the next day.

2. a) would go to
Our friends said they would go to the theatre next night.

3. c) if she would come
I asked her if she would come to see us the next day.

4. a) she was
She said she was good at languages.

5. c) she would buy
My uncle said she would buy a new cow next week

6. a) lost/ would
If you lost your passport, it would take ages to get another one.

7. b) didn’t have/ wouldn’t
If I didn’t have enough money, we wouldn’t go to London on holidays.

8. c) were / would
If I were you, I would want to become an actor.

9. a) were/would

If I were younger, I would travel across the world.

10. b) were/ would
If I were a president, I would gather the best economists to build a plan of Ukraine’s development.


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