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Ответ дал: arzebajan
London is one of the most beautiful tourist and industrial cities in the world and if you are looking for more information about the city of London; here you will find essay about London gives you all the information you seek .


The city of London is the capital and largest city of Britain.It is located on the south side of the country on the Thames, with a population of about 8.4 million, of whom 2.7 million live in inner London neighborhoods.

Its total population in all its suburbs is approximately 15,010,295 inhabitants, according to the 2012 estimates.This is Europe’s largest city by population and one of the most important cultural, political and economic centers in Europe.

arzebajan: aaa
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arzebajan: омггг
arzebajan: New York City is one of the US cities that is located south of the United States of America, the economic capital of the United States of America.

It is the largest city in the states with an area of ​​1,213.4 km², with a population of 50,666,542 million. The city has a distinct geographical location, good transport infrastructure .
arzebajan: воттт
arzebajan: It is divided administratively into five neighborhoods: Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and The Bronx.The city was founded in 1624 by settlers from the Dutch Republic.
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agentchocolate26: спасибо
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Ответ дал: gahsisi
New York is located in the southeastern United States, on the Atlantic Ocean. Until 1664, New Amsterdam was called and had a population of 3,000 people, but now 8.5 million people live here. A huge gap. Manhattan Island, where the famous Statue of Liberty is located, was bought by the Dutch from the Indians for $ 1,000 in 1708, but now its value can be estimated at 50
billions of dollars. After the declaration of independence of the United States, New York became the first capital of this country, now it is Washington. 50 million tourists visit the city every year. This is a truly interesting and unusual city.
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