1. Fill in should or shouldn't: 1 Your plane leaves at 10.00. You ...... (to get) to the airport by 8.00 2 You (to walk ) alone in new city. You can get lost. 3 When you go to London. You (to visit) Westminster Abbey. 2. Answer the questions: 1 What is your favourite way of travelling? 2 What means of travelling do you know? 3 What do people learn about while travelling? 4 How long does it take you to get to school? 5 What is the fastest means of travelling? 6 How do you get to school? 3. Complete the text with the words from the box. train, journey, tourists, important, country, a sightseeing tour very much. My friend has just returned from Spain. He went there by Madrid is the capital of the , it is an and beautiful city. My friend went to around the country. The weather was sunny and there were many at the seaside. My friend enjoyed his 4. Put the words into right order. 1) travel / Many /the/ in/world/ people 2) water/ can/by/by/air/ land/travel/ We/by 3) transport/ are /people/ the/ who/ the travel/ Passengers/ use/ to 5. Make negative, positive and question sentences in Past Simple and Present Simple: Present Simple: + ? Past Simple + ?​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
1.should 2. shouldn't. 3.should
2.1. My favourite way of traveling is by car .
2. I know such means of travelling as: by car, by ship, by plane, by bus and by train .
3. While travelling people learn about new customs and traditions, about different national cuisine. 4. It takes me ... ( напиши, сколько минут нужно, чтобы добраться к школе) minutes to get to school .
5. The fastest means of travelling is by plane.
6. I get to school by bus/ by car / by tram/ by trolley bus ( выбери один из видов транспорта, каким ездишь в школу. Если ходишь пешком, тогда:. I get to school on foot).
3.1. train 2. country 3. an important 4. a sightseeing tour 5. tourists 6. journey very much
1. Many people in the world travel.
2. We can travel by air, by water and by land.
3. Passengers are the people who use transport to travel .
5. People like to travel in summer
Do people like to travel in summer?
People don't like to travel in winter
3. He went to Jamaica last month .
Did he go to Jamaica last month?
He didn't go to Jamaica last week .

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