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Interesting facts about Canada

Did you know Canadians eat more pancakes than 4_______ country? It’s
5______ strange, and nobody really knows why, but this has been confirmed by
several companies. It 6_______ be connected to the fact that 77% of the world’s
maple syrup is produced in Quebec – you can even find people making candies from
maple syrup and snow during the winter! This all just 7________ that breakfast food
is serious business in Canada – they even have more donut shops per capita than
anywhere in the world! I’m not sure many people would know what to do if they
8_____ their breakfast food!
4 A some another B any other C some other D another
5 A bit B little C a bit D few
6 A might B will C can D mustn’t
7 A shows B is showing C is shown D will show
8 A don’t have B won’t have C didn’t have D have


Ответ дал: coollhihi1
4. B. any other
5. C. a bit
6. A. might
7. A. shows
8. A. didn’t
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