Переведите на английский номер 27



Ответ дал: tvoyamalayaia


а шо роботи я не пойму шо робити

Ответ дал: ghxrcu66


1. Open the gate wide open! 2. We hardly know each other. 3. What films have you seen lately? 4. I realized my mistake too late. 5. It is widely known that private schools are very prestigious.6 John flew a kite high into the sky. 7. I can hardly call you a true friend. 8. It is snowing heavily. 9. As he rightly said, the world is in danger. 10. Betty lives near the mall. 11. Flight 812 arrived too late. 12. He raised his hat high, greeting us. 13. The last novel of this writer is widely known. 14. Do it right this time, don't do it wrong again. 15. Bob was unfairly punished, 16. This job is highly paid.

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