3 Pretend you are a teacher. Could you ask your class questions for them to answer? Use the verbs: to fight, to depend (on), to smoke, to hunt, to prepare, to appear, to reach, to sail, to discover, to be interested in​

Срочно !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 вопроса минимум пожалуйста 1-3 часа Срочно!!!!



Ответ дал: coollhihi1
1. What do you think is the best way to fight climate change?
2. What does your motivation to study depend on?
3. Did you know that smoking is not only bad for the person who is smoking but also for the environment?
4. If you could reach every in the world, what would you say?
5. Do you think hunting should be completely illegal?
6. How do you prepare when you have a presentation or a test coming up?
7. What show would you like to appear on in the future?
8. How long do you think it takes to sail across the world?
9. Do you think doctors will discover a medicine to cure cancer ?
10. What subject are you most interested in?

coollhihi1: 4. If you could reach everyone in the world, what would you say?
ipetrof211: спасибо огромное ВЫРУЧИЛ
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