There is/There are
31) …….. two cinemas and a hotel in Green Street. 32) …….. a garage and a zoo in my street. 33) …….. a lot of shops in Green Street. 34) …….. a bus stop and a pet shop near my house. 35) ……… a park and a lot of gardens in this town.


Ответ дал: shoxruxsharipov002


31)there are 32)there is 33)there are 34)there is 35)there are

guchbugh440: это тоснь?
shoxruxsharipov002: Да
guchbugh440: можешь это сделать пожалуйста)??
guchbugh440: Fill in: his, her, it, you, them, us
16) David has 3 children. He often takes ….. to the cinema.
17) Ann! Do … like milk?
18) We have a new pupil in our class. ….. name is Marina.
19) Please, take this plum. I don’t like …. .
20) Mike’s father is 40. ….. father is a doctor.
21) Our mum sometimes takes …. to the zoo.​
shoxruxsharipov002: 16)them 17)you 18)her 19)it 20)his 21)us
shoxruxsharipov002: 16)them 17)you 18)her 19)it 20)his 21)us
guchbugh440: спасибо тебе огромное))) лучший бро. самого лучшего тебе
shoxruxsharipov002: Ок спасибо ✊
shoxruxsharipov002: Ок спасибо ✊
Ответ дал: Пеппер

31)There are  two cinemas and a hotel in Green Street. 32) There is a garage and a zoo in my street. 33) There are a lot of shops in Green Street. 34) There is a bus stop and a pet shop near my house. 35) There is a park and a lot of gardens in this town.

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