3 Grammar раскройте скобки
1. Tom will become a good sportsman if he (to train a lot)
2. She won't recover if she (not follow the doctor's advice)
3. Our team (to win) the competition if our coach trains us for it
4. She will buy the book when she (to have money)
5. When I come home I (to write) a letter
1. I don't wan to go. Neither _______ I
2. We won't answer them_________ I
3. I haven't brought flowers _______ he
4. I wasn't late _______ they
5. I am not ready _____ She


Ответ дал: VietnamWar


1. Tom will become a good sportsman if he trains a lot

2. She won't recover if she wouldn't follow the doctor's advice

3. Our team would win the competition if our coach trains us for it

4. She will buy the book when she has the money

5. When I come home I have to write a letter

lolprostochel: а можно на b ещё?
VietnamWar: Ты с учебника
lolprostochel: нет это кр от учителя
VietnamWar: Я сам живу в лондоне просто учусь в русской школе в b там грамматически неправильно 2, 3, 4, 5, а в первом на пропуске будет "do"
mikushovv4: не думаю что в 5 правильно. в остальных условные предложения, думаю в 5 также.
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