Из опций А, В, CD выбери слово, грамматически соответствующее пропуску: 1. The Science teacher … …us some funnyexperiments last we D. will show A. show B. showed C. has showed 2. Jason … … a letter from his pen friendiyet. … а A. got B. hasn't gotC. has got 3. Mum often … … badminton when she was a pupil… … D. will get A. will play B. plays C. played D. has playe 4. Nick is very responsible and he never … lies. You can tru A. is telling B. tells C. told D. tell 5. Listen! What are these sounds? - I think a bird … in the tree A. sing B.issinging C. sang D.has sung 6. A lot ofmyrelatives … to … to a family party next Saturday. A. came B. have come C. will come D. come 7. We have …discussed a new Internet project in our club. A. tomorrow B. already C. always D. every Sunday 8. They are postingsome comments on the website… A. at the m nent B.usually C.yesterday D.sooi moment ​


Ответ дал: lera8364


1. B. showed
2. B. hasn't got
3. C. played
4. B. tells
5. B. is singing
6. C. will come
7. B. already
8. A. at the moment


kirillanonim43: спасибо большое
lera8364: Пожалуйста)
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