Express your opinion about Ukrainian take-away food. Is it popular and safe? Do you like it? How often do you eat it? (8-10 sentences).


Ответ дал: Jeewz


There are a lot of restaurants, that offer Ukranian take-away food. In my opinion, Ukrainian food is the most delicious meal in the world. My favourite dish is a borscht. Surely, Ukrainian dishes are delicious and tasty but it  tastes better when you eat it at home. It's not so popular as an asian take-away food or just fast food, but it's more safe than eating fast food, that is very calorific. Personally I eat Ukrainian take away food not so often, beacuse i usually eat it at home. In general i think that take-away food isn't comfortable or healthy. Frequent eating take-away food may cause overweight and other health problems

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