Report the following sentences:
1. «Please, play quietly!»), she said to the children.
2. «Are you ready to go?», Sally asked Bill.
3. «How much do you earn, Dad?», asked Jeremy.
4. «Where have you come from?», she asked her.
5. «Stop walking on the flowers!», she said to David.
6. «Did you post my letter?», Jenny wondered.
7. «l have never been to America», she said to me.
8. «December has 31 days», father said to his children.
9. «Why were you late?», they asked her.
10. «Come and have dinner with us», Rosie said to John.
11. «The film will be interesting», I thought.
12. «He decorated the living room recently, she said. w 2​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. She asked  the children to play quietly.

2.  Sally asked Bill if he was ready to go.

3. Jeremy  asked  his father how much he earned.

4.  She asked her where she had come from.

5. She said to David to stop walking on the flowers.

6.  Jenny wondered if I posted her letter.

7.  She said to me that she had never been to America.

8.  Father said to his children that December had 31 days.

9.  They asked her why she was late.

10.  Rosie invited John to come and have dinner with them.

11. I thought that the film would be interesting.

12.  She said that she had  decorated the living room recently.


Ответ дал: ananas8099

She asked children to play quietly.

Sally asked Bill if he was ready to go.

Jeremy  asked his father how much he earned.

She asked her where she had come from.

She said to David to stop walking on the flowers.

Jenny wondered if I posted her letter.

She said to me that she had never been to America.

Father said to his children that December had 31 days.

They asked her why she was late.

Rosie invited Johny to come and have dinner with them.

I thought that the film would be interesting.

She said that she had  decorated the living room recently.

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