11 Read the email again. Complete the summary with between one and three words in each gap.
The TV programme that Lyn watched was (1)
from other programmes about cooking. The famous
chefs didn't go shopping for food but found ingredients in (2)
at shops and markets. Then they had
to make meals from the old food they found. The programme also showed that lots of ordinary people buy too
(3) food and then have to throw it away. Farmers sometimes grow vegetables that are too
so nobody wants to buy them. Lyn suggests that their project could teach people that it is a good
idea to (5)
before they shop and also show them (6)
to make dishes with food
that is not fresh but still OK to eat. She says Mike can watch the programme on his computer.


Ответ дал: k94745515


4,5,2,3,1 поставь так это вродебы то

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