Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs in brackets. 0. _Will you help_ (you/help) me with my homework at the weekend? 1. Sam (not come) with us to the skate park. 2. We (leave) at 10.00 am tomorrow. 3. I (not be) at football practice tomorrow. 4. I think I (have) a sandwich for lunch. 5. (Max / do) well in the competition next week?​



Ответ дал: mashayakubets0731


1. Sam won't come with us to the skate park

2. We will leave at 10.00 tomorrow

3. I won't be at football practice tomorrow

4. I think I will have a sandwich for lunch

5. Will Max do well in the competition next week?

Объяснение: will not = won't

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