Once upon a time there lived a Giant. He had a beautiful garden. Birds sang

songs there Every day children came to his garden and

were happy there.

But one day when the Giant saw the children he got very angry. He built a large wall around and told the children not to come.

Then spring came. There were a lot of flowers and birds in all gardens. But it was winter in the selfish Giant's garden. The Giant thought that the spring was late.

Then summer came to all gardens. But there was snow in the

Giant's garden. There were not green trees or flowers.

Autumn gave fruit to every garden. But only a cold wind and

white snowflakes danced in the trees of the Giant's garden.

One morning the Giant heard beautiful music in his garden. It was the song of a little bird. He went into the garden. All those trees were white. But there was a green tree in one corner of his garden. There was a little bird singing in the tree. The Giant saw a little boy under it. He could not get up on the tree. Now the Giant understood why spring did not want to come.

The Giant put the boy up in the tree. The big tree became green. The birds flew to that tree. The boy was happy. The Giant was happy, too. He said to the children, "Now it is your garden."

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