5 Complete the dialogue using the expressions in the box. There are two extra expressions that you do not need to use. What's the matter go to the hospital a sore throat sneezing sit down I feel terrible Have you got stay in bed a bad cold have some water check your temperature take an aspirin go home 5 a Doctor: Hello, how can I help you today? What's the matter? Simon: Well, Doctor, Since this morning. Doctor: Oh dear. Let me Yes, it's very high, and you feel very hot. Simon: And I've got 3 | too. It really hurts when I talk or eat anything. Do you think it's 41 or something worse? Doctor: I'm not sure yet. headache? Simon: Yes, a really bad one, and I keep - Atchoooo! Doctor: Bless you! Yes, you do, don't you! OK, I think it's flu, so you need to and lie down straight away - don't go back to school today. You should for two or three days and every four hours for your headache. Simon: Thanks, Doctor. Doctor: And if it gets much worse, come back and see me or 100 if it gets really bad. Simon: OK, Doctor. Thanks for your help. 7 8 9 110​



Ответ дал: veranikabasik


1 I'm feeling really ill

2 ask you a few questions

3 a stomach ache

4 What's the matter

5 What did you have

6 the same as usual

7 lie down

8 go and get some food

9 go back to class

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