Make adverbs from the adjectives in the box to complete the sentences below. There are three extra adjectives you do not need to use. early quick slow careful good bad perfect angry late wrong hard 0 Did you get up early to study this morning? 1 You look sad! Did you do in the English test? 2 Oh, dear! How many questions did you get ? 3 Did you work very to prepare for the test? 4 Did you try to write too ? 5 Maybe you can do the test again, but, this time, think about your answers . 6 I think next time you can do it and get 100%! 7 I’m sure you can do really if you work out the answers before you write them down. 4 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the modal verbs can, have to or must. 0 It’s necessary for me to go to bed now. I have to go to bed now. . 1 It’s OK for Helen to watch TV this evening. Helen __________________________________ 2 It’s necessary for Anton to do a lot of homework. Anton __________________________________ 3 Don’t leave your clothes on the floor! You____________________________________ 4 It’s OK for Olive to invite friends to her house. Olive ___________________________________ 5 Don’t make so much noise, Carlotta! Carlotta _________________________________ 6 It isn’t necessary for Pete to go home early. _______________________________________ 7 Is it OK for me to go to the cinema this afternoon? _______________________________________ 8 Is it necessary for Carl to tidy his room? __________________​


Ответ дал: shichinsi
1 Helen can watch TV this evening
2 Anton must do a lot of himework
3 You can't leave your clothes on the floor
4 Olive can invite friends to her house
5 Carlotta can't make so much noise
6 Pete can go home early
7 I can go to the cinema this afternoon
8 Have carl to tidy his room

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