3. Put the verbs using Present Perfect Active or Passive:
1)Peter (to break) the window.
2) The exercise (to write) already.
3) The text (to translate) by Victor.
4) The teacher just (to explain) the new rule.
5) We (to learn) the Passive Voice already. 6) A new school (to build) in this street. 7) The books (to take) from the library.
8) Bread (to buy) by him.
9) The windows (to wash).
10) They (to give) her a present.


Ответ дал: lera8364


1) Peter has broken the window. - Active

2) The exercise has been written already. - Passive

3) The text has been translated by Victor. - Passive

4) The teacher has just explained the new rule. - Active

5) We have learnt the Passive Voice already. - Active
6) A new school has been built in this street. - Passive
7) The books have been taken from the library. - Passive

8) Bread has been bought by him. - Passive

9) The windows have been washed. - Passive

10) They have given her a present. - Active


skrutvalentina5: спасибо большое, если вас не сложно, можете и на другой мой вопрос ответить?
lera8364: вообще, там вопросы по тексту, который нужно прослушать)
lera8364: отвечу, т.к. общеизвестные факты о странах
skrutvalentina5: у нас дистанционное обучение, потому нас просто скинули кр и все
skrutvalentina5: спасибо большое вам
Аноним: криса
Аноним: Put the word in brackets in Present Perfect Passive.
1. I … ( to buy ) these presents for my mother.
2. The plants … ( to water ).
3. The mother … ( to give ) me tickets to the theatre.
4. Lessons … ( to learn ) by Jim.
5. The man … ( to take ) children to the school.
6. Lane … ( to tell ) about new shop.
Аноним: поможить пж
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