PLS Даю 15балів, але якщо буде правильна відповідь, то позначу, як "найкраща"

1.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1 A: I'm not well. I think I got food poisoning.
B: If I were you, I .... (see) a doctor immediately.
2 A: What are you going to do in Sydney?
B: Well, if there's a show on at the Opera House, we ... (go) and see it.
3 A: Can I take more than one suitcase with me? B: You'd better not. You pay more if your luggage .....(be) over the weight limit.
4. A: Isn't the view amazing? B: Absolutely! If I ............. camera, I'd take some great photos. 5 A: Don't you ever sunbathe?
B: No, if I ......... (stay) in the sun for even five minutes, my skin goes red
6 A: This hotel is so expensive!
B: Yes, but if we book now, we (get) better rates. (have) my​


Ответ дал: idkreally


1 A: I'm not well. I think I got food poisoning.

B: If I were you, I would see a doctor immediately.

2 A: What are you going to do in Sydney?

B: Well, if there's a show on at the Opera House, we will go and see it

3 A: Can I take more than one suitcase with me?

B: You'd better not. You pay more if your luggage is over the weight limit.

4 A: Isn't the view amazing?

B: Absolutely! If I had my camera, I'd take some great photos.

5 A: Don't you ever sunbathe? B: No, if I stay in the sun for even five minutes, my skin goes red.

6 A: This hotel is so expensive!

B: Yes, but if we book now, we will get better rates.

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